TWRP 3.0
Ane kutip dari forum global Xiaomi:
This is a bit of very late but good news. TWRP is officially supported to 11 Xiaomi Devices with the latest TWRP 3.0.2 release. There are still some devices which are not officially supported, but hopefully will be in near future. TWRP images here will be updated from time to time as new updates are officially provided on TWRP website.Update (6 May 2016):
TWRP 3.0.2 is now avilable for Mi 2/2S, Mi 3/4, Mi 4c, Mi 4i, Mi Pad, Redmi 1s, Redmi 3, Redmi Note 2, Redmi Note 3, Redmi Note 4G .
Download Tools:
• Mi PC Suite (sudah termasuk Xiaomi USB Driver)
• Xiaomi USB Drivers
• Official TWRP 3.0.2 for Xiaomi Devices (Lihat apakah ada Tipe HP agan, jika tidak ada maka ane saranin cari di Google download TWRP versi 2.x.x yg sesuai hp agan)
• [Alternate link] [All in One] Official TWRP 3.0 for all Xiaomi Devices.
• Minimal ADB and Fastboot [4-27-16]
• Super SU
Sebelum memulai flashing, aktifkan dulu USB Debugging. Caranya buka Setting > About Phone (Tentang Ponsel) > tekan berkali-kali MIUI Version hingga muncul tulisan "You are now developer" (Sekarang anda pengembang) > kembali ke menu Setting > Additional Setting (Setelan Tambahan) > Developer Options (Opsi Pengembang) > aktifkan USB Debbuging.
Tentu pertama dan yang paling penting anda sudah menginstall Xiaomi USB Driver agar ponsel agan terbaca oleh laptop / pc yang akan digunakan (Biasanya sudah satu paket dengan Mi PC Suite).
1. Download dan Install Minimal Adb & Fastboot Driver (Alternatif dari MiFlash)
2. Copy File TWRP.img ke folder instalan Minimal Adb & Fastboot, lalu rename menjadi recovery.img. Contoh:
3. Tekan SHIFT + klik kanan di dalam folder, pilih open command window here
4. Matikan HP Xiaomi agan, masuk ke mode FASTBOOT ( tekan power button + volume down ) tunggu beberapa detik sampai muncul gambar FASTBOOT
5. Colokkan HP ke laptop / PC dengan kabel data asli.
6. Kembali lagi ke command prompt, cek HP agan ke detect atau engga dengan command:
adb devices tekan enter
fastboot devices tekan enter
7. Jika nomor serial hp muncul, masukin command:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
(Peringatan: setelah mengetik ini maka Mi Recovery anda akan di gantikan secara PERMANEN dengan recovery baru yaitu TWRP yang jauh lebih baik). lanjut ke no.8
Alternatif: Jika anda tidak mau kehilangan Mi Recovery maka gunakan command:
fastboot boot recovery.img
(Maka anda HP anda akan Booting ke TWRP tanpa menghilangkan stock Mi Recovery) dan tahap ini selesai.
8. Tunggu sampai command prompt benar-benar selesai bekerja.
Contoh step pemasukan command:
9. TWRP selesai dan siap dipakai.
10. Saat layar masih dalam keadaan Fastboot, tekan Volume Up + Power Button sampai hp restart dan muncul tulisan Mi. Maka HP agan akan masuk ke TWRP Recovery dan siap digunakan untuk flashing ROM MIUI terbaru atau Custom ROM lain seperti Cyanogenmod.
Warning! Since MIUI 7 Developer ROM 6.1.14 your bootloader is probably locked and you couldn't be able to install unofficial non-MIUI recovery, if you have a locked bootloader have a look at this.
Warning n° 2! If you want back the Mi Recovery please download your xiaomi device fastboot image from here and extract the recovery.img file, then follow the steps below to flash it.
Warning n° 3! Some Mediatek CPU Chipset devices don't support fastboot mode.
Flash Super Su with TWRP:
1. Download Super SU zip file & masukan ke dalam memory HP2. Matikan HP, masuk ke TWRP Recovery (tekan Power Button + Volume UP)
3. Install > Cari file zip SUPER SU
4. Swipe to Flash
5. Reboot to System
6. Enjoy!! Your phone rooted!!
Credits & Thanks:
[All in One] Official TWRP 3.0 for all Xiaomi Devices. Download Now!
How to install any TWRP recovery on your Xiaomi device
Forum Kaskus - Official Lounge Xiaomi Mi4i
Forum XDA Develpers
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